

  RUBRIC             Rubric is one of an authentic tool a teacher can use in assessing when learners perform a process or product. Rubric has two kinds: holistic and analytic rubrics. Holistic rubric, it is consist of only single scores that gives an overall rating and teacher selects the most closely match description of the learners output. While analytic rubric, it is more detailed criteria and the learner is rated separately using different dimensions and scales. Here is an example of analytic rubric:

K to 12 Basic Education Program

K to 12 Basic Education Program in the Philippines             K to 12 education program was implemented on the school year 2012-2013 by the government to improve and produce a well-develop, skilled and lifelong learners of the country. A child can start going to school at the age of 5 years old and can enroll in kindergarten, a prerequisite on entering grade (1) one. Then, six (6) years in the primary education (elementary level), four (4) years in junior high school and an additional two (2) years in senior high school, in total of 12 years of basic education.             The concept of learning is on spiral progression where in it started at a simple to complex concept as the grade level added. The program uses a standard and competency based learning system. All grades will be transmuted; the minimum grade of 60 is transmuted as 75 in the report card which means passed. ...


  CHARACTERISTIC OF 21 ST CENTURY ASSESSMENT                 Assessment in learning 2 focuses on how to assess process and product outcomes.  Here are the characteristics of 21 st century assessment: 1. RESPONSIVE                 A performance-based activity aims to collect or have feedback in accordance to the objective and result. In responding to the assessment, one should be relevant. 2. FLEXIBLE                 The assessment should be fit to the learner’s environment and this assessment is more on activities; letting student to learn or able to do variety of things in different subject. 3. INTEGRATED                 Assessment is integrated to everyday or ordin...

Assessment of Learning

 BLOOM'S TAXONOMY   A well-known psychologist proposed a framework that provides order for the instructor in discussion, learning and guide in assessing learning methodologies. This is called Bloom’s Taxonomy by Benjamin Bloom; its purpose is to encourage student’s higher-order skills by developing it from lower-order skills. It is composed of three (3) domains: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.   COGNITIVE DOMAIN                 Skills in cognitive domain focus more on intellectual, the understanding, knowledge, and critical thinking of the given topic. This domain is breakdown into six levels: AFFECTIVE DOMAIN                 The affective domain deals with the internal feeling, emotion or behavior of the learners in respond to the discussion. There are five (5) main levels present in this domain: PSYCHOMOTOR DO...